Serving Me To Serve You

It’s been another amazing week of Four Simple Word Dialogues. Our conversations have covered everything from self-care, ageism, the power of politics, the magic of being a conduit (for ideas and people) and the importance of creating homes, organizations and communities grounded in belonging. At the end of each of these conversations I have felt very blessed to be surrounded by such a smart, passionate and funny (haha not peculiar) network.

Lots of great learning has come from each chat. I have had a number of ‘you just blew my mind’ moments. Equally cool is a common theme that is starting to arise from most of these dialogues. In our first 20 conversations, I have heard time and time again that in order to serve those around me effectively, I need to have an honest and positive relationship with myself. I can’t begin to think about serving you until I feel safe and have physical and emotional strength to give. While this is not surprising or new, hearing it consistently, from so many smart people has greatly focused my thinking on what we need to be in service to others. 

Thanks to so many giving leaders, our journey of looking at the power of Elsie’s wisdom is starting to take shape. And it turns out that in order to make it not about me, I may in fact, have to make it all about me. #NowThatIsIrony

How can we be of service?

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